Monday, April 11, 2011

This week in Commercial Creepazoids. 4/11/11

Terminator 3 was on Universal HD yesterday, a movie that's a wonderful allegory for mankind's dependence on machines ultimately being our complete undoing.  Or something like that, there was a lot of explosions that distracted me.  But it got me thinking about these IBM commercials that have been running non-stop during all sporting events the last few weeks.  In the one above, IBMers gloat over their supercomputer "Watson" winning Jeopardy.  

The general crux of the ad is that computers like Watson are going to revolutionize decision making for humans, because apparently we are sooooo bad at it.  We're talking heath care, government, stock markets.  Computers are going to help us idiot humans think more good.  Or is that really what IBM is after???  I thought so until this guy came on screen...

This creep.  He says "I thought the game was the end, I'm realizing it's just the beginning" in such a lecherously creepy tone... it makes you wonder if government decision making or the military industrial complex is really what's on his mind.  With his sly smile and desperate geeky ecstasy, I get the sense he's hoping Watson is just the next step towards a real life...

Start crunching the numbers IBM.  Let's make this happen.  Your Commercial Creepazoid of the Week. 


Sister Shirley said...

What a geek creep. Speaking of which, this guy bugs me to no end:

Mike said...

Wow. Xfinity has some terrible ads, but this one takes the cake.