Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Half-Dollar Shave Club

Everything can be done cheaper.  While I respect the Dollar Shave Club and their business model, I truly have found a way to cut costs even more and still provide you with decent quality razors for a fraction of a dollar*. I introduce to you the HALF-DOLLAR SHAVE CLUB.  

For just 50 cents a month, you'll get 5 perfectly acceptable razors mailed to you in discrete packaging.  Why discrete?  Why not?  Also, it sounds cool, like you are subverting the Postal Service.

Here's how it works in 6 unbelievably easy steps:

1.  You sign up, give me your credit card number and I charge an automatic .50 every month... an amount so small, you won't even know it's missing.
2.  I buy the cheapest Target brand disposable razors available**.
3.  I use each blade no more than two (2) times in one week. (It's my personal guarantee that these razors will still be in good working condition with only slight wear and tear).
4.  I enclose one (1) gently used razor inside a white #10 envelope.
5.  I address the envelope to you and mail it.
6.  You open it and literally start shaving***.

Why spend a dollar on so-so quality razors when you could spend a half-dollar on lightly worn, so-so quality razors?  Sign up now!  Just leave your credit card information and address in the comments section below.


*1/2 of a dollar.
** Up & Up Brand twin blade disposable razor with lubricating strip**** (12 for $3.59)
***For extra 10 cents, I will leave a little shaving cream on the razor so all you need to do is add water!

****Cannot guarantee condition of lubricating strip.