OK, so this is quite a multicultural casting portrait for which Five Hour should be applauded. And the actors seem to do their job well. "OK guys, you're in a long line, waiting for your coffee, you're angry, you're frustrated, you're bored, you just want a no-crash buzz and goddamn it if you want it now... and ACTION." Then this...

HE. JUST. STARES. Right at the camera. There's no blinking, no moving. Was he even supposed to be in the shoot? Did they realize they needed an overweight white guy to round out the diversity, and they asked the key grip? Having worked in TV for a brief period, I know how these casting cattle calls work. This guy might go to audition after audition, just praying for the chance to get onscreen time. Then when the chance comes, he FREEZES like the proverbial deer in the headlights. Your Commercial Creepazoid of the Week.

1 comment:
This guy's just there for the free pastries. That's what you get when you cast through Craigslist.
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