Friday, May 15, 2015

7 Health-Killing Foods to Avoid, or Die Trying.

There's a lot of bad foods out there. 
But these Sinister Seven are the worst of the worst.

Bananas – While the fruit itself is harmless, you need to make sure not to slip on the peel. To avoid a slip and fall situation, dispose of the peel in the following manner:
  • Wrap peel in several layers of double-sided tape to ensure it is sticky to the touch.
  • Place wrapped peel into burlap sack and tie with twine.
  • Dispose of sack into trashcan.
  • Allow waste disposal truck to take entire trashcan away.
  • Enjoy banana.

Chicken breast – Some find the word “breast” too titillating, which may lead to heart palpitations and fainting. Try substituting chicken tenders where applicable.

Spaghetti – Sometimes used as a scary "bucket of guts", this carbo-loaded meal could definitely strangle you to death if wrapped around your neck.

Cigarette butts – While smoking can be an effective appetite suppressant, the Surgeon General says to avoid eating the butts, as they offer no known nutritional value.

Chia seeds – For the same reason that you shouldn’t throw rice at weddings because birds will eat the grains and die from expanding stomachs, chia seeds will expand in your stomach to over ten times their size. Avoid.

Microwave popcorn – Avoid using the microwave as the radiation may cause cancer.

Rocks – Rocks, while high in zinc, can also choke you to death if swallowed. Try pounding them into smaller bits before swallowing.

Friday, August 29, 2014

11 AMAZING facts about the moon you'll be stunned to learn!

The moon is crazy, and most people don't even know the half of it.  Here are 11 lesser-known moon facts.

1.  The moon is super crazy big.

2.  The moon might be made out of cheese.

3.  Buzz Armstrong was the first person too walk on the moon.

4.  The moon has craters from volcanic eruptions.

5.  There are no shadows on the moon because there is no sun.

6.  The moon doesn't have oxygen.

7.  Scientists estimate the moon is over 500 years old.

8.  If you tried to walk from the Earth to the Moon, it would take almost two years.  Thank God for space shuttles!

9.  The moon has its own time zone.

10.  The technical name for a full moon is a "Waxing Gibbous" after a NASA scientist's favorite musician.

11.  A Hollywood film studio faked the first moon landing, but not the "second."

Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Half-Dollar Shave Club

Everything can be done cheaper.  While I respect the Dollar Shave Club and their business model, I truly have found a way to cut costs even more and still provide you with decent quality razors for a fraction of a dollar*. I introduce to you the HALF-DOLLAR SHAVE CLUB.  

For just 50 cents a month, you'll get 5 perfectly acceptable razors mailed to you in discrete packaging.  Why discrete?  Why not?  Also, it sounds cool, like you are subverting the Postal Service.

Here's how it works in 6 unbelievably easy steps:

1.  You sign up, give me your credit card number and I charge an automatic .50 every month... an amount so small, you won't even know it's missing.
2.  I buy the cheapest Target brand disposable razors available**.
3.  I use each blade no more than two (2) times in one week. (It's my personal guarantee that these razors will still be in good working condition with only slight wear and tear).
4.  I enclose one (1) gently used razor inside a white #10 envelope.
5.  I address the envelope to you and mail it.
6.  You open it and literally start shaving***.

Why spend a dollar on so-so quality razors when you could spend a half-dollar on lightly worn, so-so quality razors?  Sign up now!  Just leave your credit card information and address in the comments section below.


*1/2 of a dollar.
** Up & Up Brand twin blade disposable razor with lubricating strip**** (12 for $3.59)
***For extra 10 cents, I will leave a little shaving cream on the razor so all you need to do is add water!

****Cannot guarantee condition of lubricating strip.


Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Well if that title doesn’t get some page views, I don’t know what will. 

In life I’m like a golden retriever.  I'm loyal, patient and enjoy a good back rub.  Other times, like a golden watching his owner wave a tennis ball in the air, I will get riled up real good, leaping and spinning in place with fervent energy.  The point, you see, is that for me... The Bachelor is my tennis ball.

In case you don’t know, The Bachelor is a show on ABC in which 26 actress/model/leasing consultants compete for the affections of a single, hard-bodied doofus.  This year’s Bachelor is a guy named Sean Lowe, a man so devoid of real personality that he makes Taylor Lautner look like a silver-tongued cult leader.  Sean is a nice guy, very vanilla, and obviously a non-threatening choice to appeal to the wide audience ABC is trying to capture.  The extent of his dialogue with the women so far has been along the lines of “so what type of man are you looking for” or “I really feel I’m getting close to you.”  Also, great pains are taken to begin each episode with shots of Sean shirtless.

Mr. Personality

The producers this season seem desperate to play Sean up as a sort of whimsical trickster, which unfortunately has the side-effect of coming across as extremely creepy.  On one date he took a girl to an art gallery and left her alone in a room with an extremely expensive sculpture.  It was rigged to fall and shatter to pieces.  Of course when it did the artist believed the woman the culprit and proceeded to blame her for the accident.  The woman, mortified, practically broke down in tears.  But oh haha, just joking, everyone in the art gallery was an actor.  Sean just wanted to see how this woman would “handle” a situation like that because he just loves to have fun.  This was THE FIRST date they had ever been on.  In real life, this gets you kicked in the crotch.  Trust me, I SHOULD KNOW.

But I digress.  I haven’t been paying enough attention to all of the single women on this show but there are some that stand out.

Tierra – This "princess" is playing the role of the bad girl.  And by bad girl I mean she is a flat out sociopath.  In one episode, she flung herself down a flight of stairs to get Sean’s attention and sympathy.  Hey, it worked so I guess she knows how to play the game.  There are rumors that producers behind the scenes get their pick of women to keep throughout the season, and instruct the Bachelor to give these women roses to keep the show interesting.  Tierra is a prime candidate for this. 

Amanda – Sociopath #2.  She’s a fitness model with an emphasis more on fitness than a model.  (She's not that attractive is what I'm saying).

Leslie – She’s says she’s a poker dealer.  She was also a contestant on Fox’s Take Me Out, looking for love there.  So Leslie’s really making the rounds in the reality show romance world.  Forgive me if I don’t think you’re here for true love.

Lesley – She’s the blonde one who broke the Guinness World Record for longest kiss with Sean.

Daniella – She’s the blonde that’s quiet.

Sarah – She’s the blonde one with one arm. 

AshLee – We like her, she’s more mature and was adopted at six years old.  She actually seems to have her head on straight, which all but guarantees she won’t make it to the Final Four.

Kacie – A former contestant on a previous Bachelor season, rejected by Sean in an episode two weeks ago, and now the no-brainer front runner to be chosen as the next Bachelorette.  I think the producers threw her into the mix here to keep her in our memories.  She’s now been jilted twice so she’ll have a good backstory. 

The most recent episode featured Selma, whom Sean took out to the middle of nowhere for a 1 on 1 date.  Actually, he took her to Joshua Tree National Park to do some rock climbing.  They flew there in a private jet as Selma asked Sean on numerous occasions during the trip if this is how they will always be traveling.  Oh Selma.  Wait until she does end up marrying this insurance salesman and their date nights are at the various Chili’s of the greater Dallas/Ft. Worth area.  Selma then proceeds to complain about how hot it is in the desert.

So the two do some rock climbing, and this scene is either a masterful piece of editing or Selma is an expert climber.  In about two minutes flat, the duo scale a sheer rock face and enjoy the sunset.  Then it’s on to dinner at trailer park and cuddle time on two pushed-together chaise loungers.  This is when the most awkward exchange in the entire show occurs.  Here is a transcript (from memory):

Selma: (Explains how she was brought up in a conservative Muslim family and how this has shaped her world view, etc., etc.)

Sean: So you grew up pretty conservative then?

Selma: Yes

Sean: I really want to kiss you.

Selma: I can’t do that… on account of what I just said about growing up conservative.

Sean: Oh… (blank stare)  So you grew up conservative then, what was that like?

Selma:  Well, like I said, it made me who I am.

Sean: (leans in, whispers)  I really want to kiss you.

Selma: I know, I can’t yet.

Sean: (long confused look).  Ok.  I do really wish I could kiss you.

So to recap, Selma is an Iraqi who hates the heat and who was raised so conservative that she won’t even kiss a guy before monogamy.  However, she will parade around on a reality show with her breasts hanging out of her tight fitting tank while wearing a massive amount of lip gloss.  Just NO KISSING.

Later in the show, Sean takes a bunch of the girls out to a Roller Derby thing and Amanda ends up taking one on the chin, literally.  Amanda (Sociopath#2) lies to everyone about how she’s done roller derby before in an attempt at intimidating the other girls.  And she does appear to be a very good roller skater, but not before falling down and whacking her chin on the pavement.  A production assistant ends up driving her to the hospital, which makes it two weeks in a row that a semi-serious medical emergency has happened, so that’s cool.  Then one-armed Sarah has a meltdown because she can’t skate and our favorite AshLee does a far better job than Sean at comforting her. 

Later at the group date dinner, injured Amanda is nowhere to be found, probably nursing her gaping chin wound.  In the end, Sean ends up not giving her a rose.  To be honest, I didn’t watch the last 45 minutes of the show because much like Amanda’s chin… the damage had been done.

Friday, April 6, 2012

I'm on Twitter now.

If you are one of the lucky dozen to find this blog and you have Twitter, you can follow me @acemulholland.

I'll try to update this blog more often with my long form thoughts, but for semi-interesting tidbits check my Twitter.  

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The True Story of Valentine's Day

Note: This incredibly true story was told by my great-uncle Albert at the 1994 family reunion.  I have transcribed it from an audio recording once thought lost, but recently discovered in a box of Christmas decorations.  At the time, my cousin Doug had a fixation with oral history and had been attempting to document the family’s past by interviewing senior members.  However with the rise of the Internet upon us, Doug quickly lost interest and moved on to online gaming.  Luckily, I stumbled upon his audio tapes this past Christmas and found them fascinating.  And in the case of the story you will read… very timely.


Gather around children, come closer Maxwell, I don’t have the voice I once did.  No, no that’s too close you are on my robe.  That’s better.  Now, where was I?  Ah yes, the TRUE story of Valentine’s Day.  You see, long before St. Patrick and St. Valentine were saints, they were in fact brothers.  Yes, but while Patrick was off in the foothills of Ireland sneaking nips of whiskey and caning snakes, Valentine was in love.  The kind of love that twists up your guts, scrambles your brain and generally sends you into a complete state of foolishness.  Now you can see why the Church doesn’t want you to know the real story.  It’s far too violent , far too romantic and far too real.  This is the true story of how Valentine got his own day.  

In the province of Tuscany, circa… oh, say about the 1500s… Valentine was dating the hottest, smartest girl, a girl named Liza.  And that made a defrocked Vatican Cardinal in town very jealous.  Banned from the Church because of his tendency to summon demons to do his bidding, the vile Cardinal summoned up some demons from the depths of Hell to steal away Liza.  For you see, if he couldn’t have her, then no one could.  The demons stashed Liza away in a tall tower in the city of Pisa.  It was an impenetrable fortress, fortified with black magic and quick dry concrete.  At the time, that was the hardest, most impenetrable substance known to man… except for the power of love.

            And the power of love is what Valentine had on his side.  On February 14, he recruited his roommate, a balding, cherubic man named Cupid to go on a raid the likes of which would surely put him in a class of hero along with Odysseus and Luke Skywalker.  Cupid was a hell of a shot with a bow and arrow, and Valentine had an innate ability to throw sharpened metal objects at targets.  Today you might know them as ninja throwing stars, but back then they were much different.  Working in his shop, Valentine fashioned an easy to throw “heart-shaped” blade.  Today this heart shape has become the unlikely symbol of love, but really Valentine did it because it was far easier to throw.

            Valentine and Cupid gathered up their deadly wares and set forth to the town of Pisa, all the while Valentine regaling him with stories how lovely Liza was until Cupid stuffed some cotton in his ears and began to mentally steel himself to a knock down, drag out battle.  Finally, the dynamic duo came upon the tower, nearly eight stories high and teeming with winged, demonic creatures just dying to rip their throats out.  But the men were undeterred.  Storming the entrance, Valentine and Cupid cleared every room on their way to the top with the skilled ferocity of what would later be known as a Seal Team 6.  Cupid was firing off arrow after arrow with relentless and brutal efficiency.  Valentine was whipping enchanted heart-shaped throwing blades dead solid perfect every time.  And the demons were dying left and right and every which way.  Finally, the boys came to the last room in the tower, where the Cardinal and Liza were locked away.  Valentine kicked in the door.

            “Stay back or the girl gets it!” the Cardinal screamed.  He had a dagger pressed against Liza’s throat.

            “Pull up a few extra seats Cupid, looks like this just became a double date,” Valentine said.  

            And with that he dispatched the Cardinal with a well-placed throwing heart to the chest.  The Cardinal fell to the floor clutching his chest, and Cupid walked over and double tapped two arrows into the Cardinal’s head.

            “Oh Valentine, I love you,” swooned Liza.

            But the work wasn’t over, for the black magic that ensnared the tower sent shockwaves out from the Cardinal’s dead body.

            “We gotta get outta here!” screamed Cupid, who ran flailing his stubby, cherubic arms.

            And with that, the threesome ran like hell as the stairways shifted and crumbled behind them.  They made it outside, where the Pope himself stood before them.  Valentine glanced back and saw that the Tower of Pisa was now leaning decidedly, but was other wise intact.

            The Pope looked quite regal in his stately hat.  Before anyone could speak, he raised a hand.

            “Valentine, you have done a great service to us in defeating the evil Cardinal.  That had been on my to-do list for awhile now, just never got around to it.  Anywho, in appreciation of that, I’d like to make you a Saint, just like your big brother.  What do ya say?”

            Valentine thought long and hard, and finally accepted.  After all, who wouldn’t want to be immortalized forever?  But the Pope wouldn’t let Valentine get away with it that easy.

            “To be a Saint, you must choose something in which to stand for.  So what say ye, St. Valentine?  What will you be the saint of exactly?”

            Valentine was befuddled.  After all, he had simply wanted to save his fair maiden.  But Liza knew right away.

            “Dear Pope, dearest Valentine.  Does it not make most perfect sense that Valentine become the patron saint of love?”

            Valentine mulled it over.  Of course, he knew she was right.  And even if she wasn’t, better not to rock the apple cart.  And henceforth it was known that February 14th would be known as Valentine’s Day, a day when lovers would shower each other with affection.

            Valentine and Liza embraced and walked off to a waiting carriage the Pope had arranged.  Cupid just stood there, balding and realizing that his best friend wouldn’t be around much any more.  For you see, Valentine and Liza would be married, and there would be many housewares to buy.

            “Well this sucks,” cried Cupid.   “What’s going to happen to me?”

            The Pope smiled.  “Ah Cupid, do not fret.  I have big plans for you.”

            And so ends the true tale of Valentine’s Day.  Of course, given the dark arts, rampant violence and threatening sexual innuendo of this story, it’s no wonder the Church hid it away.  So enjoy your candies kiddies and think not of magic nor swords nor beautiful women.  For Valentine’s Day is all about greeting cards and other stuff you’ll find out about when you are older…


            At this point the tape cuts off with a muffled thump.  But by then the damage was done.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Who Would Fardels Bear?

Robert has a lot of very informative videos on his Youtube channel – from tips on how to take showers to proper methods for using a toilet (i.e. taller people need a toilet riser).  But Robert is also a true Renaissance man, switching effortlessly from household tips to Shakespeare soliloquies.  Below find a lovely Hamlet rendition.

For more, check out his channel.